Guide to Bird Songs |
This being an idiomatic dictionary of the English translations of some common songsters (compiled with the help of Teta Kain)
Blue Winged Warbler Bee-buzz (like
Golden Winged Warbler Bizz-Buzz-Buzz-Buzz
Parula Warbler- Bizzzupp^ or Bizz-Bizz-Bizz-Bizzzupp ^ (trills
up the scale and over the top)
Black-Throated Warbler Green Buzz-Bizz-Buzz-Buzz-Bizz
Black-Throated Blue Warbler
Buzz-Buzz-Buzz-Bizz ^ "I'm so lazy" very slow and hoarse
Prairie Warbler Buzzes up the scale,
Cerulean Warbler musical warble-warble-warble-bizzup
Hooded Warbler weta-we-TEE-O (flute like)(sounds
like first notes of bugle call to assembly)
Chestnut Sided Warbler
please-please-please-ta-meet-cha (wolf whistle)
Yellow Warbler
Yellow Throated Warbler sweetsweetsweetsweet--sweetsweetsweet
Louisiana Waterthrush clear melodic
whistle; slight rise at end
Northern Waterthrush clear melodic
whistle; slight drop at end
Swainson's Warbler very much like the Northern
Yellow Rumped (Myrtle) Warbler Jingling bells
Pine Warbler fast, soft, musical
(juicy, not dry) trill
Worm Eating Warbler fast, insect
like trill
Tennessee Warbler very loud three
part trill, each one faster than previous
Nashville Warbler two part trill,
second part lower and faster
Orange Crowned Warbler musical trill,
descending in pitch
Wilson's Warbler slow trill, descends
at end
Palm Warbler slow, buzzy trill
Common Yellowthroat witchity-witchity-witchity
Canada Warbler chip-jumbled notes
going down the scale
Connecticut Warbler ricky-ticky ricky-ticky
Clear Warble
Kentucky Warbler turtle-turtle-turtle-turtle
(very fast)
Mourning Warbler churdle-churdle-churdle
Prothonotary Sweet, sweet, sweet,
sweet (very emphatic)
Yellow Breasted Chat clucks, grunts,
squeals, hisses, caws, cackles
per-chick-er-ee, per-chick-er-ee while flying
Red Eyed Vireo "Here I am, Up in
this tree, See Me, Here I am" phrased
White Eyed Vireo Chip-per-ee-CHICK also
scolds like a cat
Yellow Throated Vireo beeeaaaay,
ceeeaaay, beeeaaaay, ceeaay (hoarse 2 note phrases)
Summer Tanager Robin-like sing-song
slow. Call note: Pick-it-up!!
Scarlet Tanager
Hoarse fast, robin like song. Call note: Chip-burr!!
Indigo Bunting
Fire, Fire, where is it? lets go put it out!
White Breasted Nuthatch nasal Yank,
Yank, Yank
Red Breasted Nuthatch Yunk, yunk, yunk
(more nasal than White Breasted)
Great Crested Flycatcher wheeeep, wheeep
Acadian Flycatcher peet-seet, peet-seet
Kingbird tizz, tizz, tizz
Red-Bellied Woodpecker chunk, chunk,chunk,
Carolina Wren teakettle, teakettle,
teakettle, tea (very loud)
Rufous Sided Towhee cher-wink, also "drink
your teeeee" last note high