Hickory Hollow Boardwalk |
Planning, paper work, approvals, supply decisions, supply procurement and weather delays not withstanding, the Hickory Hollow Boardwalk is a reality. Still more is to come, but a major part is satisfyingly complete. Environmentally sensitive techniques and specifications include using locust logs to minimize pressure treated lumber. Efforts are made to make minimal impact on surrounding vegetation. In fact, the surrounding plants have come back so quickly they now nearly overrun the boardwalk in spots. Virginia DCR Natural Heritage Stewards Rebecca Wilson and Greg Troissaint have participated in numerous valuable ways with their knowledge, expertise and sweat. Tom Gregory, Hickory Hollow Committee Chairman, did the design work and secured necessary approvals for the boardwalk. He’s also the project leader, counting on a core group of great helpers. If you haven’t seen the boardwalk, you can view a picture here. (There will be a little wait while it is loading.) Better still, head down to Cabin Swamp and stroll along its meandering path. The following workers had contributed over 215 total hours as of April 30: Doug Adams, Tom Gregory, Kathryn Gregory, Beg Groenwold, Bob Healy, John Langloh, Paul Servis, Tom Teeples, Ellis Squires, Greg Toussaint, and Rebecca Wilson. Many thanks go to one and all. |