President's Message December 2003

By Paul Servis

As the year flies by, the NNAS is carrying out many activities and they are all opportunities for you to get out and meet some good people and enjoy some time together. The greatest resource that we have is our members and all that they bring to our activities.

Our birdhouse activity is a well-organized opportunity for some of us to try our skill at woodworking. Fred Witschey and Ron Feldman don’t look for creativity, but teamwork putting together eleven hundred high quality bluebird birdhouses. Working on the assembly line at Pollard’s Work Shop, is a rewarding experience. Workers not only get to see the finished product they know that the proceeds from the birdhouse sales help to support our worthwhile NNAS projects.

Even if you missed birdhouse building this year you still have plenty of chances to participate with the NNAS Bird walks---- We need people who are willing to lead bird walks, especially in the Western part of Northern Neck. You do not have to be an expert!!!!!! All you need is your favorite birding area and a willingness to share it with others. Call Paul Servis to join in on the fun.

Newsletter: If you have an experience with birding or nature that you wish to share, write it up and e-mail it to Peter Saam our Newsletter Editor at [email protected].

Programs: If you have a great idea for a program, contact Evie Thorndike or Imy Weimerskirch, our program Co-Chairpersons.

Farmers Markets: Represent your Audubon Club by greeting your neighbors at the Farmers Markets. It’s a chance to share stories about the critters in the Neck. Once again, you do not need to be an expert. All you need to do is point people in the right direction. Contact James Wagner to help out.

Maintenance: If you like your activity to be a little more on the physical side, contact Tom Gregory to help with the maintenance of our nature trails.

These are just a few ways for you to take part in your club's activities.

Come out and join in and you won't be disappointed. You will meet some fine people and have the satisfaction of a job well done. All you need to do is go to your NNAS directory and call!!!!!

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