Reporting Dead Birds

The VA Department of Health has issued a request to report all dead birds due to the presence of the West Nile virus. If you find a dead American or fish crow, blue jay or raptor, please call your local health department. Not all birds will be tested but those that are must be tested within 24 hours of death before they decompose. Sunken eyes and presence of fly larva (maggots) are good indicators that the bird has been dead too long. Reporting the discovery of all dead birds, even if the bird is not tested, is important.

No evidence indicates the virus can be spread directly from birds to humans, but precautions, such as wearing gloves and using plastic bags, should be taken when handling dead birds. Check phone book for local health department or log onto the VA Dept. of Health web site and click onto Local Health Districts.

For more information on West Nile virus, log onto the same Web site, and click onto West Nile Virus Update.

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