Great Backyard Bird Count 
4th Annual Great Backyard Bird Count Takes place on February 16-19, 2001

In the GBBC of 2000, 62,500 lists were reported

Virginia Beach led the group with 490 reporting

Most frequently reported birds

Check out this link for more information
Each year the teachers in both public and private schools in the nine counties of our chapter are offered materials that contain important information and concepts that can have a great influence in forming positive attitudes toward protecting our natural resources and improving our environment.  Our chapter believes that Audubon Adventures which presents these ideas in the appealing format of a newspaper, is of such importance that we offer classroom kits to interested teachers free of charge. Three hundred sixty other chapters throughout our country also have made these its available to teachers in their areas but only six of them reached more classrooms than did the Northern Neck Audubon Society last year.

Audubon Adventures includes games, puzzles, hands-on activities, as well as captivating stories about the life cycle of plants, the structure and function of fruits and seeds.  They also help teach the children critical thinking skills relating to protecting plants and animals from extinction, and survival adaptation techniques of animals such as sharks and owls. This school year, children in the following schools will use Audubon Adventures.

Nancy Kendall, a teacher in Gloucester, has written:
"Audubon Kits have wonderful information that is filling out the science program.  The chiildren like the newspaper format.  I will continue to use the issues that have previously been issued and I look forward to using it in the future."
Other teachers tell me similar stories and I always accept their thanks by saying all our chapter asks is that the materials be used by enthusiastic teachers to develop an awareness, appreciation, and understanding of our wildlife.  When that happens, the children in area will become good stewards of our natural world. I pass on to you the thanks I have received from teachers by saying, thank you, the members of our chapter, for your support of the this important program.
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