Spring Will Come . . .And With It the Wildflowers






              By Joe Moeller  

For the third year the NNAS will sponsor a Spring Wildflower Breakfast and Walk at Hickory Hollow.  Two dates are planned, Saturday, May 3 and Monday, May 12.  


At 9:00 a.m. you will be served a continental breakfast, and then your tour leaders, Anne Messick and Ellis Squires, will lead walks through the unique habitat of Hickory Hollow. 

There will be a bonus on the 12th with Gerry Eddy leading a bird walk.  This will also be a good opportunity to get out and see the new boardwalks that are being constructed this spring. 

Reservations should be made by April 27th. The cost is $8.00. Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult. For reservations call (804) 580-3234.



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