White Stone Waterfowl Show
March 16 & 17, 2002

By Rick Skelton

 The White Stone Waterfowl Show in March will be an exciting event.  I encourage you to wander around, marvel at the crafts, art work, ship models, carved birds, perhaps have some food, AND spend some time helping at the Northern Neck Audubon table.  Our chapter will have a table set up to tell visitors about our mission, activities, and to provide information to others.  We will display animal guards that protect birdhouses from snakes and raccoons.  There will be a comparison of bird foods that attract different bird species.  We give details on where and when to put up birdhouses.  And, most importantly we will be selling our chapter-made bird houses, bird books, and bird kites.  I am certain you would enjoy putting in a short time helping at our booth.
During the show hours on the 16th and 17th at least three people are needed at one time.

Additional help is needed on March 15th to set up materials and also late on the 17th to take them down. Please come to enjoy the show and provide some help. There will be a sign-up sheet at the February and March chapter meetings or you may call me anytime at 580-9066.  The chapter needs your support and help!

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